Refactoring, Boss Monsters, Loot and Locks

I’ve started to feel that the codebase for this game is getting to a point where the volume of code is having an effect on the complexity. It felt to me that every time I wanted to make a small change, regardless of how elegantly I felt I was doing so, I was doing more work than necessary to get it implemented.

Curious to back up my feelings, I imported my repository into a webapp called Gitential that helps visualize various datapoints around a project on Github. The app is fantastic, but what I found interesting was a certain graph that showed that, while the codebase was increasing in complexity initially, the complexity was trending downward over time as the volume of code increased.

The app maintains that the complexity increases as new code is added to the code base, but decreases as refactoring is done. I make sure to refactor as much as I can, leaving notes in places where a refactoring would be more troublesome.

An Improved Cast

One such refactoring was how we were handling Casts. Casts are how I am handling Entity to Entity interaction in the game world. Basically, an Entity will send out a Cast to query the map at a certain set of coordinates. If it finds something, it’ll trigger an interaction: a message will be displayed, a chest will open up, a warp tile will send you to another part of the map:

A brief overview of how casts work in the game.

A reference to a group of Casts that lived in the Scene object was passed around to every Entity object that exists on the Scene via their constructors. When an Entity “casted”, it added its Cast to this object directly. This tight coupling was very bad for complexity. It meant that my classes knew too much about other classes.

So I tore that Cast group out of the constructors of all of my Entities, and instead had the Entity emit a Cast event that the Scene was listening for. That way the implementation was decoupled.

I also gave the Cast a little bit more. I made an enum for the type of cast being casted– I wanted to differentiate between a cast that was sent out (up, down, left or right) from the Entity and a cast being sent below it to query underfoot. I named them reach and pressure Casts, respectively.

I also added an event to the Cast that will emit riiiight before it fizzles out and dies forever, sending back valuable information to the caster about the Entity that it found. This allows Entities to query other Entities.

Boss Monsters

One of my epic milestones was to create a a special type of battle for boss monsters. These would be battles that were triggered by NPCs on the world map, and upon winning would flip a Flag or series of Flags in the world.

I designed some bosses, wrote some dialog for them, and placed them on the world map. I wanted the boss’s death to trigger a key item to spawn in the space that it died on.

I wrote a method that would iterate through every Entity on the map and show or hide it based on whether the flag was flipped. When hidden, the Entity would query underfoot using a Cast before disappearing and turning the tile’s collision off.

The result was an experience where the player triggers a battle by talking to the boss monster, wins the battle, the boss Sprite is gone and in its place was an item to collect.


I created a new class of Item that is specifically made for selling: Loot. I designed things like jewels and precious gems and set some monsters to have a very small chance of dropping them.

When the store is implemented later, the player will be able to sell them for large amounts of gold.

Locked Doors and Chests

I also introduced a new type of Entity: locked doors and locked chests. These can be opened by collecting silver and gold keys respectively. The chests can contain great treasure like the above-mentioned Loot or KeyItems, and the locked doors can gate player progress.

These can be really useful tools for creating puzzles and guiding the player through the game.

Moving on, the next big step is adding some more features to the battle system. I’m in the middle of scoping this out and designing some of the new elements, but I look forward to sharing my progress there in the coming weeks!

Boxart and Battles

For the past couple of days, I’ve been slaving over a battle system for the game. I’ve never had to write something like it before, so I find myself trying different things, seeing where they fail, and iterating off of the parts that work. It’s a lot of fun, and I am getting it to a pretty serviceable place. Here is a peek at what the battle scene looks like at the moment:

Attacking some baddies.

The background tiles are borrowed from Link’s Awakening. I was able to reuse the UI class I used to create in game menus to create a battle interface, which I am pleased with. Here’s a preview of some of the monsters I’ve drawn so far.

Underneath all of this, I have two 3×3 grids that allow me to easily place combatants on them. I also have the ability to query each cell of the grid for its current occupant. It also leaves me with some room in the future for doing cool attack patterns, like full-grid attacks, or row attacks, or column attacks. In addition, I can see the grid pattern also having hazards on grids, and some attacks being able to push combatants forward or backward. I set myself up pretty good with that I think.

While on the plane to New York, I whipped up a pretty cool piece of art for the game that I think I’ll use as the ‘box art’.

Adventures in Dialog

I had a weird challenge with dialog. Given the below container, how can I fit text into it in such a way that it’ll cut off at the end of the dialog if it’s too long? It seems like a simple problem on the surface, but was a little bit squirrely in practice. The solution unexpectedly came to me with the help of my many month-long algorithm/data-structures study marathon.

Essentially a page from the book that is this game.

Imagine you had a box of apples. The box can hold 25 pounds of apples. You have a machine that is really good at stuffing apples into those boxes. So efficient that it’ll cut an apple in half to get it to be exactly 25 pounds. But we don’t want no half apples!

The same issue applied here: I have an array of dialog messages for each dialog box. Some messages in the array are larger than the box can hold. We could just say “when the message gets 125 characters long, just cut the message at the 125 mark and send the remainder to the next box.” But that sucks.

So to go back to the metaphor, we can see where we are going to cut the apple, and then dial it back a bit. Here is what the message in the dialog looks like when we cut through the apple:

…oldest ones at the b—

With the following code, we can be more picky about where we cut the message, cutting the message at a predefined point and the walking it back a bit until we find a space.

    messages.forEach(message => {
      const textArray = message.split("");
      while (textArray.length) {
        let start = 150;        
        // iterate backward until we find the closest space
        // That way we don't cut the word in half.
        while (textArray[start] && textArray[start] !== ' ') {
        result.push(textArray.splice(0, start).join(''));

Now we get cleanly cut messages that will always fit inside of the dialog nicely:


The next thing I wanted to handle after getting grid movement and “collisions” working was how to have the character interact with the world. When I walk up to an object, I want to be able to press a button and, if I am facing that object and it is interactive, be able to learn something about that item, or trigger some event.

The issue comes with how to know that I am collided on the correct face with an object. Our objects and players and NPCs fit neatly inside of their grid, and at no point do they ever really come into contact with each other, as far as the collision-detection engine is concerned. It’s like all elements are playing this incredibly strict game of I’m-Not-Touching-You-I’m-Not-Touching-You-I’m-Not-Touching-You!

I looked online to see how other people might be solving this problem, but came away with some pretty strange suggestions. One suggestion was to make the object’s hit-boxes ‘bleed’ out of their grid, so that the player can actually collide or overlap with it in a way the collision engine understands. Another suggested that the player’s hitbox be elongated on its forward facing side, so that it can ‘probe’ the grid in front of it for a collidable object. To translate this into metaphor, it’d be like a guy holding a cane out and spinning around the room until he hits something. Works for blind people. But not for our game, I don’t think.

I then remembered during a game jam at Warpzone, a coworking space for game and web developers, people were mentioning this idea of Raycasts being a good way of querying objects in a 3D environment. Essentially what happens is a ray is sent out in the direction you specify, and if it hits something, you can get data on that item it hits, effectively being able to perform events in response to the collision. It’s like echolocation. Exactly like echolocation. How is it not like echolocation?

I figured, why not try that in Phaser. So I made a Cast class:

export class Cast extends Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite {
  private currentScene: Phaser.Scene;
  constructor({ scene, x, y }) {
    super(scene, x, y, null);
    this.currentScene = scene;
    this.displayWidth = 8;
    this.displayHeight = 8;
    this.visible = false;
  private initSprite() {
    this.setOrigin(0.5, 0.5);

So the idea is it’s this ephemeral sprite (it kills itself after 200ms) that gets placed somewhere and checks if what it collides with is an interactive object. Inside of my Movement class, I added two methods:

class Moveable extends Entity{
  public queryObject = createThrottle(300, () => {
    const coords = this.getTileInFront();
      new Cast({
        scene: this.currentScene,
        x: coords.x,
        y: coords.y

  public queryUnderfoot = createThrottle(100, () => {
      new Cast({
        scene: this.currentScene,
        x: this.x,
        y: this.y,

Basically, place a Cast down on the tile in front for queryObject, and place a Cast on the current tile for queryUnderfoot.

The throttle is a function that makes it so I can’t do this more than 1 time every 300ms.

export const createThrottle = (limit, func)=>{
  let lastCalled: Date;
  return ()=>{
    if(!lastCalled || - lastCalled.getTime() >= limit){
      lastCalled = new Date();

Keep that little number handy for interviews~

And then in my update loop in my scene, I just check the collision between a cast and any other kind of object.

The result is a Player with the ability to query objects in front of it or underfoot. If I were to make the casts visible to the naked eye, it would look something like this:

Lo is able to query everything in the room, including things she’s never interacted with over the course of our marriage.

See? Echolocation.

Next I’ll go over how I decided to handle dialog and item acquisition! That chest up there is looking mighty tempting. I wonder what’s inside!


One of my favorite Gameboy Color games when I was growing up was this obscure, horribly-translated Japanese RPG called Lufia: the Legend Returns. I think it was universally panned for being too bland, or too dissimilar from its wildly successful predecessors. But 12 year-old friendless me would spend hours huddled under a blanket, under the dim half-light of that terrible Gameboy Color peripheral.

It actually looks pretty good for what it was. I’ll still play this once a year or so.

This is kind of what I hope to set out to mimic with this side-project.

One of the first things I wanted to tackle was the ability to move on a grid. I thought a bit about it, and initially thought I’d use Phaser’s in-game physics engine for colliding against walls, but I soon realized that the physics engine wasn’t going to cut it here.

For precise grid movement, we needed something more logical.

The problems we need to solve for are:

  • Moving a character on button press to the center of an adjacent tile.
  • Keeping the character from moving into a tile we deem un-enterable
  • Keeping the character from moving off the map altogether.

The first thing we do is, in our scene’s init function, we instantiate a map, then add a tileset to it. Our tileset is going to be composed of tiles of 16×16 pixels, with no spaces or margins in the image map.

  init(data) {
    const { map, tileset } = data; = this.make.tilemap({ key: map });
    this.tileset =, tileset, 16, 
    16, 0, 0, 1);

Then, in the create lifecycle hook of our scene, we create background and foreground layers from our tile JSON files. The string in the first argument is the layer’s name, specified in Tiled.

    this.backgroundLayer =
    this.foregroundLayer =

This will lay out the tiles as we’ve created them in tiled, metadata and all! And we do have metadata associated with these tiles already: each tile has a collision property set to either true or false.

Next, I created a base class that extends on the Phaser.GameObject.Sprite class called an Entity.

class Entity extends Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite {
  protected currentMap: Phaser.Tilemaps.Tilemap;
  protected currentScene: Phaser.Scene;
  protected currentTile: Phaser.Tilemaps.Tile;

  constructor({ scene, x, y, key, map }) {
    super(scene, x, y, key);
    this.currentScene = scene;
    this.currentTile = this.getTileBelowFoot();["collide"] = true;
  private initSprite() {
    this.setOrigin(0.5, 0.5);
  protected getTileBelowFoot() {
    const tile = this.currentMap.getTileAt(Math.floor(this.x / 16), 
    Math.floor(this.y / 16), true, "foreground");
    return tile;

This will serve as the base class for not only what will eventually be our Player, but NPC‘s, and even treasure chests. When we instantiate it, it adds itself to the scene, enables physics on itself, and sets the sprite’s origin to the center of the sprite.

Notice another thing we do here: In the constructor, we find the current tile we’re standing on and set the collision on it to true. This means that all entities (non-player characters and the player character alike) essentially take up a space on the tile. You may be thinking: “But Daruma, what happens when the entity is a Moveable entity, and leaves the tile it was spawned on?! Wouldn’t that leave the tile collidable, like a slug leaving a trail of gross?!” And I would answer: “Dear reader, that is a convenient and thoroughly worded question that can serve as a unique segue into Entity’s relative:


I extended on this one level further, creating a class called Moveable. Moveable will be what our NPC and Player characters will extend on. Moveable holds all of the logic for traversing the tilemap. Moveable can do a few things, all having to do with direction, movement and tile querying. Moveable is a good boy. He:

  • Maintains a moving state.
  • Has a velocity to control how fast it traverses the tile.
  • Can check underfoot to see if we’re stepping on anything interesting.
  • Can check one tile ahead in the direction it’s facing using a Directions enum I made to standardize the cardinal directions.
  • Is able to create a target that the sprite then advances toward.
  • Reveals an API for programmatically controlling movement (think: NPC meandering cycles…)
  • Upon moving, will set the vacated tile’s collision property to false, and the destination tile’s to true.

You can take a look at the code here. It’s a bit verbose to get into on a non-technical blog, and I feel I’ve already gone a little too far for a simple diary.


The final piece to this puzzle is Controllable. Instead of creating an even deeper class hierarchy (because TypeScript doesn’t allow for multiple-inheritance, and call me barbaric but I feel their mixin solution is ugly) , I decided not to extend from Moveable, and instead allow you to compose the class with Controllable.

Controllable handles inputs from the keyboard (arrow keys). It basically takes those inputs, and then tells Moveable to move according to whatever button was pressed. Think of it like puppet strings that attach to the player.

So it looks like this:

Circles with arrows.

Player extends from Moveable, which extends from Entity which extends from Phaser’s Sprite class. Controllable attaches to Player through a constructor. NPC does not get a Controllable because while NPC’s can still move, they can’t be controlled by keyboard inputs.

The result?

A baby Lo who can perpetually walk around in circles inside our tiny apartment, and a stationary Daruma NPC who stands at his computer without moving. Just like real life.

An Anniversary Present

Last year I got my wife a trip to a glass blowing tour in Louisville Kentucky for her birthday. It was to be an awesome experience that showcased mankind’s unique ability to harness the power of heat to blow glass in his image. We were very excited.

On the morning of the tour, I realized I’d accidentally booked tickets to a glass crafts workshop directly across the way from the glass blowing tour. The idea of this workshop was to take pieces of glass that someone broke with a gross hammer and lay them out in a pattern, and then they’ll cook it or whatever and put a magnet on the back of it and you can throw it on your fridge for 30 bucks.

While we were playing with shards of colored glass, we couldn’t help but look over and see the incredible amounts of fun being had in the glass-blowing workshop. We both went home, our strange trinkets in brown paper bags, wondering what kind of cool experience we missed out on that day. I felt a little bad for letting her down.

This year is different. I decided I would like to make a game for my wife. The scope is ambitious, but not impossible:

  • I’d like to make a classic Game Boy Color RPG.
  • You will be able to traverse a grid (grid movement) and interact with the environment/NPC’s
  • There will be dialog
  • There will be dungeons.
  • There will be item management. Currency, consumables and equipment.
  • There will be battles.

I love JavaScript, and I like TypeScript even more. So that’s what I chose to use. It just so happens that there is a github repository with Phaser (a JavaScript/HTML5 game engine) set up to use TypeScript and webpack. Fantastic! Thanks digitsensitive!

I spun up a Trello board, wrote a small design document with the above bullet points, setup a few columns to manage workflow and added a few base todos to get the project rolling.

The current state of `the board`

To create tilemaps for use in the game, I am using tiled, a great little application that takes in a PNG tilemap, and spits out really pretty JSON objects that you can load directly into Phaser. For base tilemaps, I am using stand-ins from Pokemon Gold and Silver, with NPC’s I created in Piskel.

After a bit of messing about, I got a very basic scene of our living room using the tiles in a way I think the original designers never intended.

More or less what our barren apartment currently looks like, though replace ‘N64’ with ‘Nintendo Switch’

You can add meta-data directly to the map itself, which your game can then read and create objects from. I am attaching string messages to each object for now, but in the future, the idea is to decouple the metadata from the object, assigning it an ID instead so that you can query a database of objects.

{ "backgroundcolor":"#d4d49f",
 "layers":[...],// Object, background and foreground layers with associated metadata
 "tilesets":[...],//You can choose to have the tilesets used to create the map embedded into the the map.  The tileset's individual tiles can hold their own metadata as well!


And as with most side projects, I often can’t wait to get to the dessert before eating my vegetables. I had the idea to replace the standard Phaser loading screen with something a little more…traditional:

Do you get it? Because Game Boy Color.

More to come in the next installment, where we’ll be discussing grid movement.

Keep up with the development of the game at my github.