
I’ve added the ability to fire lasers, hit planets and make them explode. I also changed the control configuration from WSDA to mouse control. Before, I had the ship snapping to one of eight directions when hitting left, right, up or down. It was super complicated, and I figured it’d be a cause for frustration if we were creating an aim-and-shoot game.

So mouse movement for steering the direction simplifies things. Still having trouble figuring out how to make realistic acceleration and deceleration working in this new configuration, but we’ll get there.

I learned about particles here too. The particles look really derpy at the moment, but we can improve upon them too. The real difficult piece in all of this was learning collisions. I had the lasers affixed with a Rigidbody, but that just caused them to flop around like fish shot out of a canon. It turns out you can just have one item have a static collider, and then its target can have a kinematic Rigidbody (the asteroids, in this case).

I want to create the concept of hitpoints and power on the projectiles, so some targets can take a few projectiles before they explode.

My next big step will be introducing smart enemies that fire at you. That’ll be a doozy.

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